Please remember, only active, dues paid members may purchase club clothing and pins.



1-1/4" diameter pin.

$3.50 each

 (contact Ernie Schirmer to purchase).


Introducing the PAFT Lands' End Store

Now you can wear the PAFT logo on a

wide selection of Lands' End apparel!


Click <here> visit the PAFT Lands' End Store


How to Order


1. Go to the Lands' End PAFT store



2. Click on the type of apparel


3. Click on the item



4. Select the size and enter the quantity


5. Click on Apply logo



5. Click on the PAFT logo



6. Click on Select Location



7. Click on Apply Logo



8. Click on Add To Bag



9. Continue Shopping or Check Out




Note 1: The embroidery method used to stitch the logo varies with the product.

 If you attempt to apply the PAFT logo to a product that has not been previously

ordered with the PAFT logo, just call customer service at  800-587-1541.


Note 2: The center of the PAFT logo is not embroidered - the color of the garment

will appear in the center of the logo. Please take that into consideration.


Note 3: Promotional items cannot be ordered individually.

For, example, the minimum ordering for baseball caps is 24.


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